Media: Vantage Circle
Tags: #happiness #happiness mindset
In this podcast, Dr. Elia discusses all the above aspects of employee happiness including the role of rewards and recognitions, and how leaders may overcome hurdles in creating the best workplace experience. He then shares his studies and experience, which show that when people are happy and do well at work, their lives improve in every way.
According to Dr. Elia, great employers who appreciate and help employees feel welcome at work are the first key to employee happiness. Second, employees must be given ample opportunities to improve. The third most crucial component is a safe and healthy working environment. Elia added that regardless of positions, we are human beings with feelings; we like to be rewarded verbally or in other ways. It’s common sense, but we don’t always follow it. When we do, though, we have the happiest workforce. Employee happiness is boosted by incentives such as gift cards, additional vacation time, and genuine empathy in the workplace. Many businesses are implementing unlimited vacation policies too. It’s also high time for leaders to set higher standards for themselves.